Nobility 10 Transistor Radio
Ah, the good old days of WKBW,
WLS, WRKO and the greatest of them all, 77 WABC.
Forget hip hop... forget rap and forget news-talk radio. It's gone. Clear your mind. You are now
back in the '60s! You're going to want to stay!
What you are about to
hear are stations I recorded myself back in 1967,1968 and 1969. I had
enlisted in the US Navy after being fired from my first radio job at a
small daytime station in
Windsor, CT. I found myself stationed in Sidi Yahia, Morocco and,
after that, the NATO base at Keflavik, Iceland. Both were boring
duty stations for a kid of about 20, so I managed to get permission to
string wire on the roofs of the barracks I lived in , and rather than
to some unknown language on the radio, I spent the nights listening to
stations from stateside. And listen I did! By the way, the radio I used
was the one in the top Keflavik picture. I still have it today.
Spend some times listening to the clips. Listen to the songs, the
commercials, the news and listen to the formats. You'll hear something
called MOR (Middle of the Road) on the 50kw blowtorches that now bring
you news-talk radio. Radio has changed...some say for the better. But many of us say for
the worse. You judge.
Be advised that the quality of these clips varies according to the
reception conditions prevailing at the time of their recording.
This type of reception is called DX Reception. These samples were all
recorded off-air on reel to reel tape and then transferred years later
to cassette tape. These were then re-recorded as Realaudio files and now changed
to .mp3 files.

WKBW 1520
It's a KB Exclusive! The Mon-kees new
record "Sleepy Jean." KB had it first in Buffalo and they let you
know it! And they know you kids (and the competition) would
be trying to record it for yourselves, so they fixed that problem.
1130 New York. Duh bull you, N-E-W, eleven three oh in New York! A Tony
Bennet song, Sunoco give away game and Giants/Green Bay promo and of
course, the WNEW Jingle!
WKBW 1520 Buffalo. It's
evening in Buffalo but sunrise in Russia, and the Russians always woke
up to exericse on the radio in the mornings. What's the
connection? This clip has two stations on 1520 and one isn't KB.
1010 New York. Remember the '67 Arab-Israeli War? Listen to this Public
Service Announcement. LBJ wants a 10% tax hike. Ancr: Henry Marcot.
WKBW 1520 Buffalo. The
Four Tops are coming to Buffalo! Bud Ballou is the DJ.
1520 Buffalo with a Life Savers spot you haven't heard in 40 years!
770 New York. It's Cousin Brucie. Here we Go-Go...
770 New York. The Greatest Station in the whole, wide world!
CHUM 1050
Toronto, very corny jokes, classic ID jingle, weather and static!
1120 St.
Louis. Here we have the end of the St. Louis Blues game with many
local advertisements followed by a KMOX ID. This is followed by dancing
from the Steeplechase Room of the Chase Park Plaza in St. Louis
featuring music by "Mr. Show Business, Harry Fedderman". The
first program of this type I ever heard was on KFI in Los Angeles back
in the early '60s. It came on at midnight.
770 New York. The Beatles double white album had just arrived and WABC
was playing cuts from the album. Here we have the end of the Beatles
Savoy Truffle followed by the famous WABC ID, then into O.C. Smith's
Little Green Apples and then into O Bla Dee, O Blah Da by the Beatles.
WHN 1050 New
York. Do stations still tell you the pollen count? I don't think
950 Seattle. Back when Top 40 was king. ID and music...too cool.
1130 Minneapolis. A great rock station. Here's an ID, time check and
the 1910 Fruit Gum Company with Chewy
1070 Los Angeles. CBS newsradio. This is probably the most distant
station from the continental US I heard in Iceland.
WENE 1430
Endicott, NY. never heard of Endicott, but this was one heck
of a rock station. Here's a WENE Golden...the Sir Douglas Quintet with She's about a Mover...
AFN Thule,
Greenland(1425). The station voted #1 by tourists who flock to
Greenland in the summer months. Seriously, there aren't very many
places more remote than the air force base at Thule, but the base had
it's own radio station on a split frequency back in the 60s. Here's a
lucky ID with weather report I caught one night.
Tide Transistor Radio
for samples of my FM DX audio through the years.
(Soon to be converted to .mp3 files)
©2004-2011 M. Bugaj. All photos and
files property of M. Bugaj
Absolutely no duplication of these files without my permission.
Updated 02/26/19