These are my own handwritten logs going as far back as 1996. If you can put up with my scribbling, there are some interesting things that can be found in them. As I was preparing these sheets to be scanned I came across one tropo log from Tennessee that I never knew I had received and I never entered it into my formal log. There are other entries with question marks next to them that could be new logs. Some things you will find in these logs are stations on frequencies that were used years ago, call letters that don't exist anymore and even stations that have changed frequencies or just plain don't exist anymore. But most importatly, you'll notice how much fun it was to DX before HD radio came on the scene. I lost around 40 frequencies available for DXing when IBOC came on the air. IBOC played a huge part in killing my enthusiasm for the hobby here. And more recently, new LPFMs and those new AM revitalization translators took care of whatever enthusiasm I had left.
Here are my raw logs: