As you well know, January and February are probably the worst months of the year for FM DXing and TV Dxing. It's a bit hard to get an inversion when the temperature is +15F with a 40mph wind blowing at you from the northwest. Don't expect much from SpE either.
The nature of e skip is that it's sporadic, which is why I had a skip opening on January 6th in the afternoon that went into FM. The target area was Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and, I think, Alabama. These are the most common states for skip to here, but despite that, I still managed to log five or six new stations here on the TEF 6686 radio. It was a nice surprise.
One of the things I do daily is update the facility info in the WTFDA FM Database from the info that the FCC provides during the day. Occasionally, working with FCC data is the last thing I want to do on a particular day, so when I'm in that kind of mood, I really appreciate a pint of Naragansett Lager. This beer has a few things going for it. First, it tastes good. Next, it's NOT an IPA! Third, Stop and Shop sells it for $7.99 for six PINTS, not puny 12 oz. cans. I grew up with this stuff so I have a special attachment to it. If you listened to Boston Red Sox games on a statiky AM radio at one point in your life, you may have the same attachment.
Just a few thoughts about my TEF webserver. I've had the webserver going since July (?) of 2024. When things are slow, I open it up and make it public. I like to see where people are coming from and how much time they are spending on my server.
Over the past month or two, I notice a disturbing trend that will cause me to make it private. I intend to use the TEF for my own DXing when conditions allow. I don't intend to share time with someone else tuning the TEF.
I have also noticed that some users will log in and stay logged in. Some will stay logged in for 5-6 hours and some will just stay logged in and never leave. I know who they are. I don't mind someone joining the webserver for an hour or two, checking out my FM dial and maybe just listening to a station for an hour or two, but NOT ALL DAY AND NIGHT. If you spend an excessive time on my webserver, be prepared to either be kicked off the server or just banned completely. I run this public webserver as a courtesy. but I don't have to.
Whoa! For someone who had no idea what to talk about, I found something to talk about.